The annual meeting of APSARD is an opportunity to bring experts together to share knowledge and build collaborative relationships for improving research and clinical practice. In the symposium, “The Changing Legal Climate of Marijuana use in its Impact for our Patients With ADHD”, Dr. Weerts, Dr. Hill, Dr. Riggs, and Dr. Wang will discuss new developments and key concepts in the changing landscape of marijuana use and misuse among people with ADHD.
Clinician Takeaways:
Clinicians will deepen awareness of approaches to assessing and treating adolescents and adults with psychiatric disorders in context of cannabis use and cannabis use disorders. They will develop their understanding of the changing legal landscape of marijuana in the United States and the impact this might have for public health
Researcher Takeaways:
Researchers will review the pharmacologic properties of marijuana and its key constituents.
The Talks:
As more states legalize marijuana for both medical and recreational use, there is an increased need for clinicians to understand the current legislative changes surrounding marijuana, the pharmacology of marijuana, and how the legislative changes and variations in marijuana’s constituents and potency may impact their patients’ psychiatric and medical conditions.
Dr. Weerts will discuss the pharmacology of cannabis and key constituents, Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol, with updates on the regulatory status of these compounds at the federal and state levels.
Dr. Hill will describe medical and psychiatric use of cannabis and cannabis compounds, and the state of the evidence base for medical use.
Dr. Wang will present an international perspective and, using highlights from the Canadian Cannabis Policy, discuss lessons that may be applicable to American providers, practitioners, and policy makers.
Dr. Riggs will present data regarding the use rates among adolescents and college-aged young adults in conjunction with the rapid expansion of marijuana legalization. In context of data describing increased risk for psychosis and other negative impacts among youth using these products, Dr. Riggs will address approaches to treatment of these individuals with ADHD.