Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC, ACG
DIG Coaching Practice LLC
An Audio Resource to Save the Future of ADHD Students
This unprecedented recording is an absolute must listen. Whether you are a parent, or the young adult who is taking ADHD stimulant medication, you need to understand that the illegal distribution of stimulant medication under Federal and State law is a felony and can end with years in prison!
We all know that students moving on to college are more independent, ready to take on the world, but really, these are still just kids with a very casual interpretation of how quickly things can go bad if they don’t understand the reality of being a college student with ADHD medication. ADHD stimulant medications are classified as Schedule II medications, which means they have a high potential for abuse and as a result are controlled substances. The reality is that these drugs are being shared, they are being sold and students are actively seeking others who can supply the pills so they can study for an exam. Your child will be a target! Did we mention a felony record, and prison time?!?!
Host Jeff Copper, Attention Talk Radio, masterfully interviews a young adult college student who was arrested for drug diversion, classified as the illegal distribution of prescription medication. The young man in the interview courageously reveals his horrific experience for the purpose of preventing it from happening to another human being. He recalls the feeling of being violated as 15 police, FBI and DEA authorities ransack his dorm room. He takes listeners through the anxiety of calling his parents from jail only to hang up in shame before they answer. He concludes with how his so-called friends abandon him and how he was left with nothing but guilt and embarrassment, and the pain of loss, wondering how he would ever turn his life around. He was still a teenager at the time!
This interview will leave you spellbound and in total disbelief that this could happen to any one of your kids. Especially, if they are not made aware of their responsibility with stimulant medications or any prescribed medication.
Like many young adults, this student thought he was invincible. He stated more than once that he would not have listened to adults or authority figures on the dangers of sharing or selling ADHD meds. We as parents, teachers, and professionals need to get out in front of this epidemic now. We need to reach these vulnerable kids and educate them in a way that they understand. We need to change our approach to provide a direct peer-to-peer experience like this one to make it real for these students.
We encourage you to share this resource with ADHD adolescents and young adults for insight on this real-life experience and to save the futures of those you are called to help.