Commentary by Dr. Margaret Weiss*: Like Strongest Families this innovative intervention has the potential to provide direct access to instruction on management of ADHD in the classroom where that expertise does not otherwise exist. Intervention with the teacher has a powerful impact on the life of the child.
Web-Based Intervention for Teachers of Elementary Students With ADHD: Randomized Controlled Trial: Corkum P, Elik N, Blotnicky-Gallant PA, McGonnell M, McGrath P. J Atten Disord. 2015 Sep 11. pii: 1087054715603198
Objective: To test the acceptability, satisfaction, and effectiveness of a web-based intervention for teachers of elementary school-aged children with ADHD.
Method: Elementary classroom teachers (N = 58), along with their students with ADHD, participated in a randomized controlled trial. The program consisted of six sessions that included evidence-based intervention strategies for reducing ADHD symptoms and impairment in the classroom setting. Teachers also had access to a moderated Discussion Board and an online ADHD coach. Questionnaire data were electronically collected from teachers and parents pre-intervention, post-intervention (6 weeks), and after an additional 6-week follow-up.
Results: Intent-to-treat analyses found significant improvements based on teacher (but not parent) reports of core ADHD symptoms and impairment for the Teacher Help for ADHD treatment group. Teachers reported a high level of acceptability and satisfaction.
Conclusion: Web-based ADHD interventions have the potential to reduce the barriers to treatment utilization and implementation that are common problems for school-based ADHD interventions.