All APSARD members can submit a blog for posting.
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Does ADHD Medication Improve the Parenting Skills of Adults with ADHD?
Does ADHD Medication Improve the Parenting Skills of Adults with ADHD? Raising children is not easy. I should know. As a clinical psychologist, I’ve helped parents learn the skills they need to be better parents. And my experience raising three children confirmed...
Cerebellum & stims Ivanov
A recent structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) study of pre-adolescent and adolescent youth reports findings relevant to clinicians who treat ADHD patients of any age. It suggests that stimulant medications normalize cerebellar volumes. See more at A...
Can Physical Exercise Help People with ADHD?
Can Physical Exercise Help People with ADHD? By Stephen V. Faraone Animal studies clearly show that physical exercise helps with brain development and improves behaviors known to be impaired in ADHD people. Some studies in humans are consistent with this, but the...
Adult ADHD and Comorbid Somatic Disease
Adult ADHD and Comorbid Somatic Disease By Stephen V. Faraone, PhD Although there has been much research documenting that ADHD adults are at risk for other psychiatric and substance use disorders, relatively little is known about whether ADHD puts adults at risk for...
Adult ADHD is a Risk Factor for Broken Bones
Adult ADHD is a Risk Factor for Broken Bones Although some people view the impulsivity and inattentiveness of ADHD adults as a normal trait, these symptoms have adverse consequences, which is why doctors consider ADHD to be a disorder. The list of adverse consequences...
What is Sluggish Cognitive Tempo and is it Relevant to ADHD?
What is Sluggish Cognitive Tempo and is it Relevant to ADHD? By Stephen V. Faraone, PhD Over the past few decades, a consensus has emerged among psychopathologists that some patients exhibit a well-defined syndrome referred to as sluggish cognitive tempo or SCT. ...
A Brief History of ADHD
A Brief History of ADHD I have too often seen on the Internet or media the statement that ADHD is a recent invention of psychiatrists and/or pharmaceutical companies. Such statements ignore the long history of ADHD that my colleague and I reviewed in our “Primer”...
University of Pennsylvania Adult ADHD Treatment and Research Program
Hello APSARD Members, The APSARD Social Media and Website committee is trying out a new blog feature. We will be showcasing various clinical/clinical-research programs specializing in various aspects of the assessment and treatment of ADHD. The purpose is to highlight...
JAD Table of Contents January 2018 Issue 2
The upcoming special issue of the Journal of Attention Disorders highlights research on the prevalence of ADHD around the world as well as throughout the lifespan. These articles are important, not only further documenting the global reach of ADHD, but also shedding...
Mindfulness Meditation: Enhancing Consciousness of Persons Affected by ADHD
By Roberta Waite and Meghan S. Leahy In the 1970’s, Kabat-Zinn popularized mindfulness meditation (MM) as many people sought non-medication interventions for a variety of conditions. Consequently, mindfulness interventions are increasingly used to address many...