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Can ADHD be a Deadly Disorder?
Can ADHD be a Deadly Disorder? By: Stephen V. Faraone, Ph.D. In the world of research, it is unusual for a single study to be definitive. A possible exception is a recent report in the highly esteemed Lancet, which concluded that people diagnosed with ADHD were...
ADHD and the Risk for Suicide
Suicide is one of the most feared outcomes of any psychiatric condition. Although its association with depression is well known, a small but growing research literature shows that ADHD is also a risk factor for suicidality. Suicide is difficult to study. Because it...
ADHD and Emotional Dysregulation
ADHD and Emotional Dysregulation By Stephen V. Faraone, PhD One of the many great contributions of Dr. Russell Barkley was his conceptualization of ADHD as a disorder of self-regulation. ADHD people have difficulties regulating their behavior, which lead to the...
ADHD and Eating Disorders
ADHD and Eating Disorders By Stephen V. Faraone, PhD A relatively new area of ADHD research has been examining the association between ADHD and eating disorders (i.e., anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder). Nazar and colleagues conducted a...
Does Acetaminophen use During Pregnancy Cause ADHD in Offspring?
Many media outlets have reported on a study suggesting that mothers who use acetaminophen during pregnancy may put their unborn child at risk for ADHD. Given that acetaminophen is used in many over-the-counter pain killers, correctly reporting such information is...
What is Evidenced Based Medicine?
What is Evidenced Based Medicine? With the growth of the Internet, we are flooded with information about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder from many sources, most of which aim to provide useful and compelling “facts” about the disorder. But, for the cautious...
Treating ADHD in a Time of COVID-19
During the covid-19 era, APSARD has been able to connect and lean on our partnerships with other ADHD organizations. CADDRA, the Canadian ADHD Resource Alliance, has partnered with APSARD in the past and present to share information in the ADHD field. APSARD is proud...
Can Computers Train the Brain to Cure ADHD?
Can Computers Train the Brain to Cure ADHD? It sound like science fiction, but scientists have been testing computerized methods to train the brains of ADHD people with the goal of reducing both ADHD symptoms and cognitive deficits such as difficulties with memory or...
More Data About Gifted People with ADHD
More Data About Gifted People with ADHD I recently came across a paper from Tom Brown that adds to the growing scientific literature about smart people with ADHD, which I blogged about last year (http://tinyurl.com/qckgatx). Dr. Brown's study measured executive...
ADHD Increases Risky Decision Making: Evidence from a Meta-Analysis
ADHD Increases Risky Decision Making: Evidence from a Meta-Analysis Adults with ADHD are more likely to have accidents, to drive unsafely, to have unsafe sex and to abuse substances. These ‘real world’ impairments suggest that people with ADHD may be predisposed to...